SLAE: Egg Hunters (Linux/x86)

Happy Easter everyone! Have you already found all your hidden eggs? No? Then I’ve got the ultimate solution for everyone who’s still missing some eggs 😉 ! This assignment in my SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification covers egg hunters! My...

SLAE: Shell Bind TCP Shellcode (Linux/x86)

Do you like uncommon challenges? At least I do, and that’s the reason why I’ve signed up for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert training. But what’s this all about ? The founder Vivek Ramachandran summarizes it best: The SecurityTube Linux...

Easy File Management Web Server v5.3 Exploit-Kung Fu

During the last few days a lot of nice Remote Exploits have been released over at Exploit-DB by one of my followers Harold aka superkojiman targeting applications by EFS Software Inc. First of all: Kudos to Harold, you did a really nice job :-)! As I...